nclug 20040615 Hacking Society Meeting Page


User: dannf
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: made a list of things todo; didn't do any of them

User: Eric Schwartz
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: OSCon presentation, packaging new version of yaz.

User: jafo
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: Helping the other Sean to get his PCMCIA working. Found that Knoppix recognised his PCMCIA controller, so we copied that kernel over, but then needed to get him kernel source and building a kernel. ANswered some e-mail. Gave tbc a hard time. Set up a new MX record for a client. Updated my journal. Didn't do at all as much as I'd hope.

User: scoth
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: Tried to get a couple of different wireless cards working, but little success. Looking at the AP, it was saying he kept going out of range. Ate cookies.

User: Shawn Meier
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: Getting his PCMCIA working on his ProStar laptop.

User: Tim Chambers
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: (1) caught up on Yahoo mail, (2), (3) other Web surfing

User: whizbo
Date: 2004-06-15 23:00:00
Body: Web page updates and digital panaramas.