nclug 20031223 Hacking Society Meeting Page


User: Evelyn Mitchell
Date: 2003-12-23 23:00:00
Body: Didn't do anything at all.

User: jafo
Date: 2003-12-23 23:00:00
Body: Mostly working. Ordering a new computer. Ordered a new camera. Same small camera, just upgraded to 4mpix. Answering work e-mail. Admiring Jim's axe.

User: Jim DeWitt
Date: 2003-12-23 23:00:00
Body: Put another new set of strings on his axe and research mace. Was intending on putting some things on

User: Jon Ringuette
Date: 2003-12-23 23:00:00
Body: Converted his Cyrus databases from db3 to skiplist.

User: Mike Fisk
Date: 2003-12-23 23:00:00
Body: Whirled Peas, but not too much luck solving that problem.

User: scoth
Date: 2003-12-23 23:00:00
Body: Installed Fedora on a spare hard drive, got a new keyboard installed, but it doesn't seem to help enough. Worked on a Nagios configuration. Looked up Hal Hartley movies.