nclug 2005-11-29
Hacking Society Meeting Page
User: jafo
Date: 2005-11-29 22:41:54.651450
Body: Sold some hard drives to Jamie Leben. Talking about the joys of pet ownership. Placing a bid on a switch. Trying to help Roger get this USB wireless card working. Checking out the web-site from svn so I can make some changes. Catching up with mailing-list e-mail. Updating the python RPMs page for 2.4.1.
User: scoth
Date: 2005-11-29 22:53:11.148458
Body: Helped Roger carry in a "cold-spare" laptop which he didn't even start up until the meeting was most of the way over. Dangerjim introduced me to the cronicles of Henry Raddick. Worked on getting a client system setup.