Chris Riddoch's Home Page

Date: 2005-05-19 21:09:41.735360
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: blug 2005-05-19
Body: Chatted with people and thought about techniques for pronoun resolution.

Date: 2004-09-23 21:25:52.126348
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: BLUG 2004-09-23
Body: Spent most of the time showing off Dasher. Read a little news, chatted about geeky things. Didn't bother trying to do any work. I just am not feeling motivated just now.

Date: 2004-09-16 21:44:06.723870
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: BLUG 2004-09-16
Body: Updating home systems over new DSL line, building OpenVPN on laptop and home machines, reading about setting up OpenVPN. A little email, too.

Date: 2002-04-18 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020418

I took a couple minutes to look over Alan Robertson's paper, watched Jon twiddle with the Soekris box, and then spent a few minutes going through HTML files from the BLUG website for a bit of an update I'm working on.

Date: 2002-04-04 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020404

Look through some books on kernel issues for a project in my operating systems class. Spent more time listening to the conversations going on around me than actually reading, though. Collective geeking can be like that, I think.

Date: 2002-03-07 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020307

Discussed the future of LWN. Read a lot of email, sent some email, did a little work on a project in lisp, and otherwise managed to waste a lot of time doing nothing useful at all. I should've at least finished reading this week's LWN, after all...

Date: 2002-02-28 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020228

Worked on getting a richochet modem working in star mode. Seemed to talk nicely to the other modem.

discussed meeting at a diffrent location starting next week

Date: 2002-02-21 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020221

Built 2.4.17 for the new laptop, got X, sound, USB visor, and a few other mildly broken things working before risking it all again on a long apt-get dist-upgrade to debian testing. More generally, spent much time being impressed with being able to carry 600 MHz with me.

Date: 2002-02-07 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020207
Body: Worked on getting his replacement Visor loaded with his old data, and trying to get data from his now-dead laptop in a state where he could pull it off.

Date: 2002-01-31 23:00:00
Chapter Name: blug
Meeting: 20020131
Body: Primarily worked on a project involving kernel timers for the Operating Systems class, most of the effort was spent trying to figure out exactly what the professor wanted. Discovered that AM/FM radio is a completely futile effort so close to dozens of computers downstairs, and spent the evening in silence for lack of a properly working audio system on my laptop. (Next week, I'll bring a CD player.) A not insignificant effort was put into catching up on various email lists, and tweaking the spam filters.