blug 20020418 Hacking Society Meeting Page


User: Jeremy Hinegardner
Date: 2002-04-18 23:00:00

Continued to work on Ruby application, chatted about the finer baked goods establishments in the Boulder area, drank 1 too many cups of coffee and finally caught up on email.

User: Jonathan Conway
Date: 2002-04-18 23:00:00

Discussed doing key-signing at the next Hacking Society. Continued the long and contorted process of figuring out boot problems with a net4501. PXE net booting and mounting the tree over NFS everything works fine, installing it to the microdrive (from PCMCIA or over NFS) produces a boot process that a) outputs garbage to the serial console and then closes it and b) happily ignores the DHCPOFFERs it receives in response to its requests but boots successfully enough to attempt DHCP. Identical filesystems. If this were SCSI I'd already be looking for a goat to sacrifice but I'm not sure what Compact Flash requires, a marmot?

User: Kevin Fenzi
Date: 2002-04-18 23:00:00

Got the XML Docbook version of the Security-HOWTO all mostly working. It has a problem with the rtf output. I can't seem to get anything to read it. The pdf, ps, html, tex, and others are all looking good.

User: Matt Weaver
Date: 2002-04-18 23:00:00

complained about linux lacking /etc/ttys. We did a bit of hacking with debian Linux to try and make it run off a microdrive in a small x86 embedded system. Devious standalone network monitors were discussed. OpenBSD's slow moving monolithic kernel was defended.

User: socket
Date: 2002-04-18 23:00:00

I took a couple minutes to look over Alan Robertson's paper, watched Jon twiddle with the Soekris box, and then spent a few minutes going through HTML files from the BLUG website for a bit of an update I'm working on.