Worked at getting a VoIP Blaster connection made with Kevin. Had lots of routing fun with trying to get through my multi-interface firewall and Kevin's VPN connection back home, which was also masquerading. But, it did work and except for my orinoco driver freaking out, it worked very well...
Worked more on ruby application. Followed Kevin's instructions to get cvs working remotely over ssh. Talked a fair amount on various topics. Searched for various outline, hierarchical note and project managment applications. Drank too much coffee.
Did most of an installation of SuSE 8.0 to the Microdrive for the net4501 before being forcibly reminded that it needs to reboot after the base system is installed. May be able to workaround this by installing into the Soekris and continuing the install from NFS instead of CD. Will be most impressed if YaST2 can handle that. Participated in the spontaneous formation of a consortium ("Hacking Society Wireless Mafia"?) to attempt to get our mitts on a vast pile of Ricochet GS modems for freenet/freenet backbone purposes. We missed the auction end to get 446 of them, but that may be just as well...
Played with the VoIP blaster. Tried to call Sean in Fort Collins, but the NAT at cafe sole was in the way. Routed the call thru my vpn to my home machine, NATed it there, out my firewall (natted again) and up to fort collins. Got it working. Sounded pretty nice too. Played with xplanet and etherape as well.
looked up voip blaster parts. talked a lot. got really weird, er, wired.
Had fun watching the network traffic at Cafe Sole' with EtherApe. Created an RPM for Moin, a Python implementation of Wiki, a web collaboration tool.